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7 E-waste Management Methods

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Proper e-waste management is very vital in modern business practices. This is due to the rapid increase in the production of electronic wastes that require proper dealing with.

Moreover, systems dealing with waste management are shifting in direction of more green and eco-friendly options. This means the same for e-waste management.

As an industry that is at the cutting edge of technology, it is expected that the majority of the manufacturers and producers in the market are designing electronic gadgets with green credentials.

This blog discusses typical practices and tips relevant to e-waste management that can be adopted in a modern workplace. Both managers and business owners can utilise this information in advancing their e-waste management systems.

What is E-waste?

Electronic waste, commonly known as e-waste, consists of the different types of waste associated with the disposal or the excess of electronic products and components.

To put it in a different form, e-waste comprises any electronic component/message that has turned into waste. It is a fairly large type of rubbish and can include many different types of minerals. 

This implies that electronic waste has the potential to be very toxic and to have other hazardous materials.

When it comes to e-waste, one must ensure that great care is taken in dealing with proper waste disposal methods. To ensure that avoidable damage is inflicted on people’s health or the ecosystem, such methods must be adhered to.

Most Common Types of E-Waste

The most common types of e-waste can be encountered in homes and places of business, which people use on a daily basis. It is certain that these devices are increasingly becoming a part of our routines.

The list is non-exhaustive, but it does contain a number of the popular types of e-waste, many of which might become hazardous waste due to improper waste management.

  • Mobile phones
  • Laptops and desktop computers
  • Tablets
  • Printers
  • Keyboards
  • Hard drives
  • Cables and chargers
  • TVs (televisions)
  • DVD players
  • Digital cameras
  • Microwaves
  • Refrigerators
  • Washing machines
  • Batteries
  • LED bulbs

As already mentioned, many of the components found in e-waste products, such as in these, have common ingredients like plastic or precious metals including copper, zinc, or gold. All of these metals aid in the process of e-waste disposal.

7 E-Waste Management Methods

Various e waste techniques are adapted from differing waste management strategies and techniques. Contemporary waste management practices aim to incorporate environmentally favourable practices like recycling and waste minimisation.

The overarching goals of waste management practice have shown a tendency towards minimisation of waste at the production and manufacturing level. 

This not only decreases the overall waste to be managed, but also minimises the efforts needed to acquire new resources.

This can be accomplished through a number of means. These methods ensure that the electrical and electronic equipment which are no longer wanted are recycled properly or alternative go through the necessary waste processing facilities.

E-waste Recycling

Recycling e-waste is an effective way to deal with the issue of e-waste. Most people consider this method of recycling to be useful to the environment. Cleanway has many articles explaining this idea further.

Closed-loop Manufacturing

Producing items that can be decomposed and used to create new products is termed as closed-loop manufacturing. This approach is useful for e-waste products with valuable materials such as zinc and copper. Furthermore, it assists in cultivating an environmentally friendly electronics industry.

Circular Economic Initiatives

Circular economies operate in a manner that is self-sufficient, while closed-loop manufacturing focuses on the industrial stage. E-waste circular economies strive to minimise waste through recycling and reusing materials.

E-Waste Audits

Another method a company can improve e-waste management is by conducting an audit. Cleanway offers audit assistance and then makes suggestions to improve the overall waste management system of the company.

Use Data Destruction Services

Personal information can be stored in old electronics, which can be extremely valuable.

Card information and IDs are the most sensitive documents that need to be protected. Always further destroy these electronic products so that they do not fall into the wrong hands.

This goes out to more than people looking to sell their laptops and phones. Most people don’t want information associated with their names. A lot of people prefer not having to deal with this issue. Get in touch with your nearest computer shop or waste management provider and they should be able to guide you on how to properly dispose of your old electronics.

Use Cloud Storage Applications

Data storage has always been synonymous with physical electronic waste, especially when it comes to the use of hard drives. But with the rise of the cloud, it has become increasingly easier to reduce this form of waste. Storing data in a cloud reduces the need for hard drives and other useless materials.

Contact E-waste Experts like Evoro

The best methods for disposing of electronic waste look for the highest possible value in a product that can no longer be used. This includes recycling, reselling, reusing, and repurposing the item in some beneficial way. In effect, all processes are better than letting it rot inside landfills. 

Future of E-Waste Management

The future of e-waste management, like the waste management industry, will likely see a continued push towards finding more environmentally friendly solutions to waste disposal. 

Electronic companies have the added advantage of working in an industry that is itself innovative. The continued production of their goods and services should see more and more effective waste management. 

Electrical and electronic equipment has become prevalent in our daily lives. It’s unlikely that electronic devices like mobile phones will stop being important in some form or another.

It’s safe to say that electrical and electronic waste will continue to exist in the future. What’s important is for a continued push for e waste recycling and environmentally sound management production processes.

Closing Thoughts

Proper e-waste management, like other forms of waste management, helps to protect human health and the environment from potential harm from common hazardous substances and toxic materials that can be present in waste items.

An effective way to deal with any type of electronic waste is through an e waste recycling facility. Luckily, companies like Evoro can help your business get in touch with such recycling infrastructure.