Ventia manages the Sydney Road Asset Performance Contract, awarded by TfNSW to deliver road asset management services over nine years. Ventia commenced service delivery on 1 July 2021.
Since the inception of the contract, Envirochoice Industries Pty Ltd has been a key service provider for Ventia. Their areas of expertise have included spill clean ups, high pressure cleaning, graffiti removal, vegetation maintenance, safety barrier repairs and general road maintenance but they are more than willing to assist wherever possible.
When required for Incident Response, they are dependable, competent and professional. They are proactive with supplying solutions, and exemplify the teamwork value of Ventia with valuable contributions to our WHS&E systems. Envirochoice’s solid commitment to safety, efficiency, quality and environment has been evident in the incident free completion of many key activities and projects.
Their professional, can-do attitude has been a vital element in maintaining the high standards demanded by Ventia and our client, TfNSW. Envirochoice’s director Marcus Auckland leads from the front with a personal oversight of and involvement in all work undertaken for Ventia. This accountability is reflected in the culture and work ethic of all Envirochoice staff.
I regard Envirochoice more as a partner than a subcontractor in their attitude and approach to innovation. I unreservedly recommend them to any business seeking the highest standards in the broad range of services they offer.