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Common Graffiti Removal Techniques

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Graffiti removal services seek to help with the often challenging task of taking unwanted art works and other spray painted visuals. While graffiti is often appreciated as an art form, it can be viewed as a disruptive presence by property owners and a visual nuisance by the community.

It may initially feel overwhelming when faced with removing graffiti from your home or business walls. However, you can effectively manage this challenge with the proper techniques and products.

Research carried out by the Australian Institute of Criminology has revealed that graffiti has the potential to detrimentally impact the long-term prosperity of businesses and deter investment in heavily affected areas. As a result, it is crucial to promptly address graffiti to preserve the visual appeal of buildings and the overall welfare of local communities.

This blog explores the common graffiti removal process. Companies like Evoro seek to remove graffiti in an environmentally responsible and timely manner.

The Importance of Graffiti Removal

When considering the appearance of company buildings, it is essential to recognize their significant role in creating a positive impression on potential customers.

 In this regard, removing unsightly graffiti is crucial to restoring affected surfaces to their original condition. Many waste management companies specialise in professional graffiti removal services. They can also offer valuable advice on protective measures to prevent future vandalism.

It’s essential to exercise caution when dealing with potentially hazardous substances. Some of the chemicals in spray paint removers can harm human health. Furthermore, traditional graffiti removal methods often involve the use of chemicals that can have adverse effects on the surrounding environment. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the potential impact of these methods and seek environmentally friendly alternatives.

Common Graffiti Removal Techniques

  1. Reapplying paint
  2. Using high-pressure water for cleaning
  3. Utilising environmentally friendly chemicals
  4. Using abrasive blasting techniques
  5. Utilising dry ice blasting
  6. Using non-toxic soap and putting in effort
  7. Applying anti-graffiti paint to prevent future incidents
  8. Landscaping around the areas that have been affected

Let’s look at what these techniques entail in greater detail.

Reapplying paint

Repainting graffiti-covered surfaces is a commonly used and somewhat effective method for removing graffiti. It can be performed without professional assistance. Even though it can quickly bring a surface back to its original condition, it’s essential to fully address

 the permanent damage. Repainting over old graffiti is akin to concealing the issue, like sweeping dust under the rug.

Using high-pressure water for cleaning

High-pressure washing often necessitates professional graffiti removal services, but it’s significantly more effective than simply repainting. High-pressure washing can eliminate the graffiti paint from most surfaces, restoring it to its original state.

Unlike repainting, this process actually removes the spray paint. For porous surfaces such as face brick walls, simply repainting is inadequate. Services like high-pressure washing are necessary.

Utilising environmentally friendly chemicals

Eco-friendly chemical treatments are a popular option for graffiti removal. They effectively clean affected surfaces by removing the paint materials . It’s important to note that these graffiti remover treatments are environmentally friendly. 

In the past, graffiti removal involved harmful chemicals, which hurt both humans and the environment. Eco-friendly chemical treatments offer effective solutions for graffiti removal while still being mindful of human health and the environment.

Using abrasive blasting techniques

Abrasive blasting is a high-pressure washing machine but with an abrasive material like sand instead of water. It effectively removes spray paint from surfaces. While environmentally friendly, it typically needs professional services.

Abrasive blasting helps to remove graffiti and unwanted paint from many surfaces. It is non flammable, non toxic, and safe. It can also help to restore the property value of the painted buildings.

Utilising dry ice blasting

Dry ice blasting is a less common but highly effective technique that removes paint similar to abrasive blasting. Useful for porous surfaces like bricks that have tiny paint pockets.

Graffiti removal through dry ice blasting is another environmentally friendly way to remove graffiti from a variety of surfaces. Property owners who want this service should contact a registered removal company.

Using non-toxic soap and putting in effort

Non toxic soap and hard work is a technique that doesn’t require professional services but involves a lot of effort. A person can use non-toxic soap with low odour to minimize environmental damage.

This is effective for small spray cans accidents and other paint markers that might occur in everyday activities. Property owners might find this helpful, but larger projects should be done by a professional company.

Applying anti-graffiti paint to prevent future incidents

Suppose the building is located in an area frequently targeted by graffiti vandals. In that case, applying anti-graffiti paint to any surface that might be affected is essential.

This action will probably deter the vandals from returning for another round. It’s a long-lasting solution to vandalism but requires careful planning.

Landscaping around the areas that have been affected

Sometimes, practical graffiti removal efforts should focus on prevention. Prevention is the best strategy if you’re concerned about removal costs. Planting trees or bushes before common targets such as schools and public city buildings can deter graffiti artists. 

As previously mentioned, property values decrease in areas with high levels of vandalism. By preventing these vandals from starting their next job, they will be less likely to paint all over your walls!

But, if you need some advice, consider talking to a waste management company that offers graffiti removal services like Evoro. They can advise removing any unwanted paint and suggest ways to prevent future vandalism.

Closing Thoughts 

Graffiti removal services are typically offered by waste management companies that specialise in providing efficient cleaning and waste removal solutions. These professionals are well-trained in removing graffiti from various surfaces, including concrete, brick walls, metal, and wood. The specific graffiti removal techniques these services use depend on several factors, such as the type of surface and the extent of the graffiti.

Anti-graffiti coating is a highly effective technique aimed at preventing graffiti vandalism. This protective coating serves as a barrier, deterring graffiti artists from tagging the surface in the first place. Different types of anti-graffiti coatings are available, and it’s advisable to seek advice from a graffiti removal company to select the most suitable option for your specific needs.

While everyday household items such as rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover, non-toxic soaps, turpentine, and chlorine bleach can be used to remove graffiti, it’s often best to enlist the services of a professional graffiti removal company for thorough and efficient cleaning.