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Managing Waste in 2025

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Managing waste in 2025 should be a top priority for businesses, whether you are working within the waste industry or not. This is largely due to the fact that every business creates some type of waste, even if their work does not directly produce materials.

There are many reasons why we advocate for more effective ways of waste management. One of the main reasons is that better waste management ultimately leads to better all-round efficiency.

This blog explores what managing waste might look like in 2025, considering the waste management trends of the previous years. Its ultimate goal is to make people more aware of their waste systems and how they can be improved.

Managing Waste

It is essential that everyone who deals with waste manages it in as efficient and effective a way as possible. This is largely due to the positive effect that it has on reducing the effects of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions.

Additionally, waste management systems usually reflect a business’s logistics. How people treat what they discard is a great reflection of how they operate, so it is essential to be effective and eco-conscious throughout this process.

Waste Management in Australia

Australia’s waste management systems reflect its status as a globally linked economy. Our systems align with general trends towards a more sustainable future while still being steeped in the specific issues that our economy faces.

A major part of the waste industry in Australia is combining the best practices from across the globe and making them work in this country. Evoro is part of this trend towards a sustainable waste management process, and we are proud of it.

Waste Management Hierarchy

The waste management hierarchy underscores many of the current tactics used by companies within the waste industry. Its fundamental goal is to promote more efficient and sustainable waste disposal practices. 

Simply throwing all types of waste on a landfill or dump site is no longer the be-all and end-all of waste management. Companies like Evoro work to find more effective waste management means of dealing with waste by using the waste management hierarchy.

Waste Prevention

Waste prevention is the obvious starting point. The goal here is to lessen the amount of total waste created before it has to be dealt with. This helps to ensure that our systems are not overloaded while still looking towards a future of less waste.

Waste Reduction

Waste reduction works in tandem with other waste management best practices as it goes to the core of the production process. In general, the goal is to narrow the definition of waste by finding more effective ways to convert products into alternative items for disposal.

Waste Reusing  

Waste reusing is as popular as other methods. Reusing old waste helps to prevent it from rotting unnecessarily when it could have been used for different means. This makes it highly effective at reducing waste generated.

Waste Recycling

Likely the most popular modern waste management method, recycling finds ways to give a new purpose to items that would otherwise be discarded and never used again. It is effective both because of its popularity and because of the creativity needed.

Waste Recovery  

Waste recovery looks at taking already disposed of waste items and seeking to extract some value from it. This is often done with raw materials that can still be safely reused elsewhere at no real additional cost.

Waste Disposal  

Waste disposal should be regarded as a last resort since once something is discarded, it is essentially left to decay and serves no further function. That said, it is still a major part of proper waste management practices.

Managing Waste in the Modern Way

There are several distinctly contemporary methods of managing waste. Many of these methods are based on the waste management hierarchy and encourage environmentally responsible practices. The core practices do not differ greatly when it comes to hazardous waste, organic waste, food waste, or any other major type.


When waste-to-energy is mentioned, it combines two future objectives: our aim to minimise waste and our quest for clean energy sources. It represents one of the best fusions of these two goals. 

Landfill Diversion

Landfill diversion incorporates many of the waste reduction strategies previously mentioned. In essence, it seeks to identify alternative methods to the conventional landfill approach.

This helps to lessen the strain of overflowing landfills and encourages the development of new, innovative technologies.

The Future of Waste Management

New waste management strategies are gaining popularity as organisations seek creative ways to blend waste management with modern methodologies.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are increasingly being integrated into the sector. Tech companies are exploring AI’s capabilities for:

  • Improved waste sorting: Advanced machinery can sort through waste with minimal human involvement.
  • Optimising the waste hierarchy: AI can assist in discovering innovative approaches to prevent, reduce, reuse, recycle, and recover materials, thereby limiting the need for disposal. It also aids in monitoring waste throughout the waste stream.
  • Route optimisation: New waste management technologies can enhance the efficiency of waste collection routes, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other carbon dioxide outputs.

These examples represent just a few potential solutions for the future. It is clear that as society evolves, more innovative waste management systems will emerge.

What is Solid Waste Management?

Solid waste management pertains to the activities many people envision when discussing waste management. This includes refuse placed in large trash and recycling containers, as well as other forms of municipal solid waste.

It encompasses organic matter and various types of hazardous waste. Essentially, any waste produced from solid items falls under solid waste.

Why Should I Conduct a Waste Audit?

To manage waste and waste materials securely and safely, it is essential to account for and diminish the total waste produced. A useful approach for a company to comprehend and enhance its waste management systems is by conducting a waste audit.

A waste audit can assist a business in achieving its waste reduction objectives by streamlining its existing processes. Waste management firms can also provide guidance on production methods to aid in decreasing waste during the manufacturing phase.

What actions can a company take to improve waste management?  

Consider establishing recycling initiatives and other waste management programs within your local communities. This promotes waste reduction and showcases your organisation’s commitment to sustainability.

What advantages do waste management activities provide?  

Efficient waste management practices lead to cost savings, safeguard public health by isolating hazardous materials, and encourage recycling services. Additionally, it helps postpone final disposal expenses, thus lowering overall production costs.

Is recycling beneficial for natural resources?  

Recycling helps conserve natural resources by allowing the reuse of precious metals and other important materials. Electronic waste often contains valuable minerals that can be recovered and repurposed through recycling.