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The Benefits of a Waste Audit

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A waste audit is a great opportunity for a company to understand, assess, and improve their waste management systems. This helps them to save money, be more effective and efficient, and contribute towards more green waste management initiatives. 

Companies like Evoro use waste audits to help their clients find optimal and personalised waste management solutions. We highly recommend getting your waste audit done as part of an overall attempt to make your company more efficient. 

This blog explores the many benefits of having your waste audited by an EPA licensed waste management company like Evoro. Additionally, it looks at how waste audits might typically be conducted. However, because each company is different, there is no set waste audit technique. 

Waste Audits Explained

A waste audit is the process where outside waste management companies like Evoro come and evaluate and examine a companies current waste management systems. The waste reporting process helps to find inefficiency and to reduce waste production overall.

Waste reduction is a major benefit. This helps to ensure that unnecessary rubbish and other resources are not being wasted. Implementing a waste audit helps to promote recycling and other environmental best practices.

Additionally, a manager should understand their businesses waste disposal methods. These streams can often be improved. Doing so promote sustainability, efficiency, and is a cost effective of doing so. Customers also like it when their businesses value green and efficient business practices.

The Benefits of Conducting a Waste Audit

There are a number of benefits of conducting a waste audit for both businesses and households. Many of these benefits derive from the inherent efficiency that can come from knowing your waste management systems. 

Businesses that understand and optimise their waste management systems can save on money. Additionally, auditing your waste system helps to ensure that environmental best practices are followed.

Cost Benefits

Having your waste systems audited helps to see where areas can be improved or optimised further. This provides businesses with the opportunity to find ways to save money. Additionally, having more optimal business practices will save money in the long run. 

This will also help to promote efficiency and optimisation across many other business operations. Once your employees see that their company values efficiency they will likely strive to match this challenge. 

Environmental Benefits

Environmental best practices have become a staple of waste management systems. This is part of a global shift towards finding more sustainable and efficient ways to deal with various types of waste. 

The move towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and carbon dioxide fumes requires many industries to change their relationship with waste. The ideal way to incentivise this is through optimising your current waste streams into something that is more eco-friendly. 

Social Benefits

Having more efficient ways to manage waste helps to promote a society where waste management best practices are incentivised. Conducting a waste audit helps to centre these kinds of initiatives.

This in part will contribute towards building a greener and more sustainable future for our planet. Businesses that help to promote waste management best practices can see improvements across their local areas. 

Economic Benefits

The cost benefits mentioned above will feed into wider social benefits that, in turn, will move towards changing the economic make-up of many industries at a macro level. Incremental shifts are all that are needed to shift entire economies.

If Australia is to develop an eco-friendly economy, then it must start with businesses shifting in the same direction. The best way to start this is to have a professional waste management team come and conduct a waste audit. 

Managerial Benefits

Managers who bring in outside consultants to improve their logistics systems highlight to both their employees and to their fellow board members that they are committed to further optimisation and efficiency.

Waste management streams are commonly forgotten. By conducting a waste audit, you will be showing that every factor that contributes to your businesses output is important to their overall success and operations. 

How to conduct waste audits

Waste audits are best when they are conducted by an EPA accredited waste management company like Evoro. We understand how waste streams function and how best to create strategies for diverting waste into more efficient streams.


Start by establishing precise objectives for the extent of your analysis. It might be beneficial to focus on a specific portion of your waste during one audit. Divide your waste into categories to collect detailed information for each type.


Safely keep track of all your waste over a designated time frame, whether it’s a week, a month, three months, or a quarter. Although it’s not required to separate your waste at this point, it’s recommended to handle hazardous waste with caution and keep it distinct from non-hazardous waste.


Use personal protective gear and other essential safety measures whenever working with waste. Record the quantities of plastic, paper, food scraps, and other materials. The more precise your records, the more useful the information will be.


Review the general waste you’ve categorised into different bins and accurately measure the quantities of waste produced by each category. Wearing gloves is recommended, even if there’s no direct contact with the waste.


Creating a report on waste will help a business gain a deeper understanding of the total waste generated by various categories. It’s crucial to produce accurate reports to support the implementation of any recommendations identified during the waste analysis. Ensure to retain these records for future audits.

Closing Thoughts

Auditing your current waste management systems is a great way to improve your business functions overall. Waste is something that few consumers really consider. But small efficiencies in this department can really help overall.

Implementing efficient waste systems can also help lessen the burden of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, companies that work with hazardous wastes must do what they can to minimise contamination. A waste audit helps to prevent these risks.

Evoro’s waste management experts can be called on to audit your existing waste management systems. Our team will work with you to improve and optimise your waste streams so that optimal and environmentally friendly solutions are found.